Spotlight Archives - Mippin Useful Tips & Guides Fri, 12 Jan 2024 05:19:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spotlight Archives - Mippin 32 32 10 Best Spotlight in 2024 (For Long distance & hunting) Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:35:07 +0000 Spotlights are a great asset for any home. These devices are not only small and portable but directionally shine light undisputedly on dark spaces illuminating them instantly. Due to this, they can make a good alternative to your central lighting systems. Therefore, do not hesitate to get yours. This is especially important if you want […]

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5 Reasons You Need to have Spotlights Around Your Home Tue, 23 May 2023 10:55:09 +0000 You want to improve the security of your home. But your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase fancy and costly home security equipment. You peruse the internet for ways to improve the security of your home without denting your pocket. If this is the case, keep reading! In this post, we are going to have […]

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Samyoung Spotlight 10000 Lumen 6 Lights Modes, 10000 mAh USB Output Rechargeable Spotlight complete review Fri, 20 May 2022 08:18:07 +0000 You’ve decided to purchase a spotlight. But there is one problem. You have so many choices in the market. You wade through several models and you’ve finally decided to buy the Samyoung spotlight 10000 Lumen 6 Lights Modes, 10000 mAh USB Output Rechargeable Spotlight. That’s a good choice! But then, you search for a detailed […]

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Important Things to Consider When Buying LED Spotlights Mon, 16 May 2022 07:51:42 +0000 You are planning to purchase an LED spotlight. You know that in recent times, spotlights are equipped with LED technology. But do you know what are the important things to be considered before purchasing an LED spotlight? If you don’t have any idea, no worries! In this post, we are going to be discussing about […]

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Learn About the Differences between Spotlights and Floodlights Sun, 15 May 2022 23:31:11 +0000 It is critical to know the differences between spotlights and floodlights. Why? Because they may be similar in their functionality of providing light. But there are marked differences between these light sources. In this article, we will dive deep into the differences of spotlights and floodlights, why you need to know the differences of these […]

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Different Types of Spotlights – Overview & FAQ Sun, 15 May 2022 22:50:24 +0000 You’ve decided to purchase a spotlight to light up your home. That’s great! Lights are needed in a home to make it a place comfortable to live and find out about your surroundings, especially after the natural light fades away. But do you know that there are various types of spotlights available in the market? […]

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What are the Differences between Spotlights and Flashlights? A Detailed Overview Sat, 14 May 2022 23:53:38 +0000 You want to buy a spotlight. But someone told you about the flashlight or you saw somewhere that a flashlight is better than a spotlight. You are confused. You search through the internet to learn about the difference between spotlight vs flashlight. If this is the case, then you have landed in the right place! […]

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