Navigating hail damage can make any roofing project more complicated. Not only can roof repairs cost a fair deal of money but, depending on the level of damage, you may need an entirely new roof as well as new gutters. Before you start calculating the costs of a roof replacement, it’s important to assess all of the storm damage and do some research on a roofing contractor.

There are a few key steps that you should take to make sure all of your residential roofing needs are addressed. When Denver hail damage is involved, here are the steps you need take, as well an information you need to know.

Assess the damage.

Storm damage can take many forms and can impact different types of roofs in different ways. Sometimes, your roofing project will consist of a more straightforward shingle replacement. A commercial roof might require different considerations than residential roofing, too. In more severe cases, a roofing crew might spot holes in the roof or signs of buckling. If you spot any precipitation or leaks, you need to let customer service know as soon as possible. Once you have a general idea of the level of damage you’re looking at, you’re going to want to start looking into insurance claims.


Contact your insurance.


Depending on the age of your roof and how recently it was last replaced or repaired, your insurance company may be able to help. Make sure that you have all the pertinent information before you call customer service. Again, commercial customers will have different insurance claims from residents. However, in many cases, it’s difficult to get your insurance company on board. If your roof is older or you haven’t had it inspected or repaired recently, it’s easy for your provider to deny your claim outright. You may get lucky, though, and get a solid referral or preferred roofing contractor from your discussion with your insurance.


Find a Denver roofing company.


Whether you’re in the Denver area, Fort Collins, or down in Colorado Springs, finding a roofing company that provides customer satisfaction is a must. From meeting with a project manager to discuss your commercial roof or residential roofing needs to finding a crew that always does a great job, it’s important to do a bit of research.

Sometimes, that research is as easy as googling “residential roofing Denver” and calling up a few of the top results. Other times, you’re going to need to dig a bit deeper. A great place to start is the Better Business Bureau. The BBB often provides solid reviews and referrals. You can find out if a roofing company has common complaints and even learn more about their average rates. Do you have a flat roof? Look for BBB reviews that specifically mention flat roofs. Looking for trying alternative materials, like metal roofing? Look for blurbs that mention that.

It’s always a good idea to chat with multiple contractors in the Denver area to get a feel for their business and their processes. While it might seem overwhelming to have several options, it can often make your final decision that much easier. Try and get a few inspections to compare project details, rates, and quotes to see what fits your budget and your current roofing needs the best.


Fix that roof.


Once you’ve made a final decision on a roofing contractor, it’s just a matter of waiting for the project to be completed. Always try to exercise a bit of patience, too. Unforeseen delays, holdups, and even inclement weather can slow down roofing projects.

Hopefully, with your roof repaired, the next time you experience one of Denver’s infamous hailstorms, you can breathe that much easier.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


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