Keeping a home clean and tidy with pets about the place can be a constant struggle.  Just as soon as you’ve restored at least some order to the chaos, you turn your back for a moment, and it’s back to square one. Pets bring us so much pleasure, but they can also make it difficult to keep a clean and tidy home.

This is where choosing the best dustbuster for pet hair can help. Arm yourself with a decent cordless cleaner, and you’ll never look back.  Far more convenient than a traditional corded vacuum, a good cordless cleaner can make light work of even the most problematic pet hair.

Contrary to popular belief, however, you don’t have to spend a fortune to take home a decent device.

In terms of specific brands and models, it’s always worth checking out the best vacuum reviews at the time from independent sources. Before placing your order, see which devices are earning rave reviews, which are on sale with heavy discounts and which have been recommended specifically for pet-friendly households.

After which, it’s simply a case of determining which special features and functionalities you need. Ask yourself the following questions before picking up your next cordless vacuum cleaner, and you’ll be onto a winner:

How Many Pets Do I Have?

Having just a single cat or dog around the place can make things messy enough. Throw a whole bunch of pets into the equation, and you’re looking at an even bigger challenge.  This is definitely something you’ll want to factor in when choosing the best cordless to keep your home clean.

For example, if you’ve just one relatively small dog with short hair, you’ll get away with a compact cordless with limited power and performance. If you have three dogs and two cats (all of which shed hair like it’s a competition), you’ll need something far more capable and powerful.  Try to be realistic and don’t cut corners on quality – particularly if you have multiple pets at home.

See also: What to Say to Someone Who Loses a Pet?

How Much Power Do I Need?

Cordless vacuum cleaners vary enormously in power and performance from one device to the next. Some would struggle to pick up a stray postage stamp, while others deliver mind-blowing power and performance from start to finish.  Make no mistake about it – this will make a big difference when attempting to rid your home of pet hair.

When consulting the latest handheld vacuum reviews, focus heavily on power and performance.  If the general consensus points to a vacuum that’s too weak to get the job done, set your sights on something more capable.

What Kinds Of Floors Will I Be Cleaning?

Some cordless vacuum cleaners do a great job on hard floors but aren’t nearly as impressive on carpets and rugs.  The same is also true in reverse – some excel on softer floor coverings, but aren’t as great on hard floors.  And then there are those that are fantastic on both hard and soft floor coverings alike.

This is something to bear in mind – particularly if you intend to use the vacuum across your entire home. It’s likely you’ll have a variety of different floor coverings about the place, so you’ll want a device that’s as versatile as possible.

Do I Need Attachments For Furniture?

In the case of pet-friendly households, the short answer to this is yes…you do!  Even if you don’t allow your pets on your chairs, couches and so on, they’ll still accumulate dust, dirt, and dander like you wouldn’t believe.  Hence, you need to think carefully about the kinds of attachments included in the kit, or whether additional accessories are available.

A motorized brush attachment is perhaps the most powerful tool for dealing with problematic pet hair.  In addition, you’ll want to think about crevice tools and wands to get into those trickier corners around the home.  Most cordless vacuums these days ship with at least a handful of accessories, but not all – so don’t take things for granted.

Should I Choose a Vacuum With A Roller Brush?

Ideally, yes. Most top-brand cordless vacuums these days feature the same kinds of powerful motorized roller brushes as their conventional corded counterparts.  The problem being that where embedded pet hair is concerned, suction alone often isn’t enough to get the job done.  You need a motorized roller to physically force the hair and dander away from the surfaces you clean.

The primary vacuum itself should therefore definitely (if possible) feature a roller.  As already touched upon, it’s also great if the kit ships with an additional attachment with a roller for dealing with furniture , etc.

What About Filters And Bags?

It’s rare to come across a quality cordless these days that doesn’t have a decent filtration system and a hygienic dirt collection chamber.  Traditional vacuum cleaner bags are slowly but surely disappearing from the equation.  However, it’s worth considering both the size of the dirt collection chamber and the quality (or otherwise) of the filtration.

With pets about the place, it’s essential to go for a vacuum with HEPA filtration.  This ensures a minimum of 99.9% elimination of all allergens, viruses, and dust particles from the air. Some take this as far as 99.98%, which can be even better for households with allergy sufferers.

See also: How Effectively Air Purifiers Fight with Dust and Mold

Washable Vs. Replaceable Filters

Over time, even the best filters become clogged with dust, dirt, and debris.  Some cordless vacuum filters can be replaced, and others can be washed and reused indefinitely.  Then there are those that can neither be washed nor be replaced, which may eventually compromise both the performance and the hygiene of the vacuum.

It’s therefore worth checking whether the vacuum has been designed with a washable filter, a replaceable filter or a fixed filter. Again, HEPA filtration should be considered mandatory when buying a vacuum for a pet-friendly household.

How Long Does The Battery Last?

Some cordless vacuum cleaners are designed to clean the entire home from a single charge.  By contrast, others offer as little as 10 minutes of cleaning time with a full battery. The latter isn’t necessarily bad for dealing with occasional spills but probably isn’t viable as a primary vacuum for your home.

Along with checking how long the battery lasts, it’s also worth considering battery charging times.  Some cordless vacuums charge from flat in 2-3 hours, and others aren’t ready to use again for at least 6 hours.

See also: The Air Quality in Your Car Matters. Here is the Smartest Portable Air Purifier for Cars, HENiR

How Easy Is It To Handle?

Last but not least, it’s also worth carefully checking the size and weight specifications of the vacuum you’re considering. If you plan to use it on a regular basis, it needs to be compact and lightweight enough to handle with ease.

Cordless vacuum weights vary from just over 1lb to several kg – be sure to choose a device that’s right for you.

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Karthick, an accomplished Mobile and Technology Editor at, regularly puts the latest tech gadgets through their paces. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his writing. Additionally, Karthick holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.


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