Recent scientific studies have proven that smoking cigarettes can have an extensive impact on blood alcohol levels. Using different smokers’ blood samples, the researchers discovered differences comparing results after extended abstinence and shortly after smoking. The world has over one billion smokers, whether occasional or regular. Drinking and smoking relate closely, as both can be habitual. For many years, breathalyzer tests have featured massive irregularities across the globe.

From a scientific point of view, every individual has a unique way of absorbing alcohol. It is, therefore, hard to trust the results of breathalyzer tests in modern days. Among the leading causes of erroneous breathalyzer results, smoking tops the list. To elaborate on the impact, the following is an overview of how smoking influences breath tests.



Smoking Influences the Gastric Emptying Process

Smoking has a direct impact on the rate at which the body empties the digestive system. It also affects alcohol absorption of the body. In that case, the results from a breathalyzer test are never quite accurate in estimating blood alcohol content when smoking gets involved. In such cases, a lawyer can help.

Smoking Has a Direct Impact on Bodily Fluids

Methyl has a higher alcohol content than drinking alcohol, and a breathalyzer test concentrates on measuring its compounds. The process checks acetaldehyde levels but fails to distinguish it from the alcohol content. The liver produces acetaldehyde to assist in the absorption of alcohol.

Acetaldehyde also exists in the human lungs, in which its levels differ from one individual to another. Recent studies indicate that smokers have a higher concentration of acetaldehyde in their lungs compared to nonsmokers. Therefore, with high alcohol content from smoking, the breathalyzer test is likely to give false results.

An organic breath test features numerous factors that can affect its accuracy. These aspects include taking the test. There are high chances of false-positive results if an individual vomits before the test. To take care of such discrepancies, the officers in charge of breathalyzer examinations must ensure tactical approaches before administering the test.

It is, however, impossible to do away with all irregularities since individuals have different bodily systems. For example, some people suffer a health disorder that forces their bodies to generate alcohol because of certain foods. Similarly, those suffering from various conditions can register false results. With all the factors, smoking has a higher impact on the results.

Smoking causes harm to the breathalyzer sensor, a fact that influences the results. Apart from that, it makes the process of alcohol absorption into your body much slower than usual. If you use a breathalyzer to check your BAC, you have a high chance of exceeding allowed levels if you are smoking. For accurate readings, it is advisable to wait for half an hour after smoking to take a breath test.

Practically, a breathalyzer test checks the amount of alcohol circulating in your blood, which ends in the air you breathe out. The gadget uses the measurements to give estimates on alcohol content in your blood, also known as BAC (blood alcohol content). With nicotine on your breath, the results have a high probability of being false.

With an increase in BAC, your body takes longer to react, which is risky, as you may end up making wrong decisions. In that state, it is dangerous to be in the driver’s seat. When you are over twenty-one years of age, your BAC should not go beyond 0.08 percent. In case a breathalyzer is unable to give accurate results, a different test can ascertain alcohol levels. A repeated test is an option as well, to determine an average reading.

Once you consume alcohol, it finds its way to the stomach as well as the small intestines. The blood begins the absorption process, which differs due to various factors in different individuals. Among these factors is whether you smoke. With nonsmokers, absorption is faster and therefore taking a breathalyzer test gives accurate results. On the other hand, a smoker’s blood will take longer to absorb alcohol content, a fact that results in inaccurate breath test results.


The blood transports alcohol from the stomach to various parts of the body, including the lungs and the brain. A breathalyzer is appropriate for checking the level of alcohol in your blood. However, if the gadget gives the wrong results, you should seek the services of a DWI lawyer.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


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