Network Security

How Does Security Orchestration Improve Network Security? – In the evolving world of cyber threats, it is becoming extremely important to develop complex defense systems to keep company data safe.

Not only do you need multiple cybersecurity systems, but you also need them to integrate and work together. Security operations teams are drowning in data< because a lack of integration adds to their workload, which creates more opportunities for threats to sneak by.

Network Security

Through effective security orchestration, you can optimize your cybersecurity systems to work together. Keep reading below to learn more about how security orchestration will vastly improve the security of your network!

Cybersecurity is a Modern Necessity

Today, digital mediums and the internet have become the norm. Gone are the days of keeping confidential data stored in file cabinets.

Just about any type of company data that you can think of is now stored online in some capacity. Whether that is through cloud storage or dedicated databases, it is still uploaded online.

There are two main reasons for this. First, it cuts down on the need for physical space to store documents and data. Second, it makes the data easily accessible by just about anyone within the business regardless of their physical location.

This convenience comes with a price and that’s the threat posed by cyber threats. Anything accessible online has the potential to be accessed by unwanted parties.

To combat this, the field of cybersecurity has emerged to keep digital threats at bay. Cybersecurity is a necessity anytime you have confidential data stored online, but just having cybersecurity isn’t enough.

Several different cyber threats that exist, which typically means a company will have several different cybersecurity systems. To improve the security of company data, it is vital that your various cybersecurity systems can work together.

A Lack of Integration Requires Extra Work

Integration will cut down on navigating through multiple systems and will make identifying threats much easier. This is not always easy because individual network security systems are not usually designed with the ability to work with another system in mind.

Large organizations may use up to 70 unique cybersecurity tools, which quickly puts into perspective just how much data you might be receiving.

If you have dozens of different cybersecurity systems that work individually, then you’ll need to navigate through every single one of them just to keep your network security in check.

Because cybersecurity is a daily requirement, that is a massive workload for any single person to maintain. This is why many larger companies tend to have entire teams dedicated to keeping cyber threats away.

Systems Working Together Creates a Quicker Response

Now imagine that your wide array of network security tools were integrated and capable of communicating with each other. This would cut down on redundancy and the mundanity of accessing each tool individually.

Without needing to check every single system, you would be able to quickly learn about imminent threats and figure out ways to deal with them. Rather than wasting time navigating through several systems, there’s more time being spent directly on responding to threats.

An integrated system will combine tools that protect company information, actively prevent threats, and manage various identities.

Rather than individually looking at each working cog in a machine, you can simply read an integrated system and get a broad overview of your company’s cyber health.

When you’re able to quickly read and understand what the problem is, you’re able to respond much faster than if you looked through each separate cybersecurity tool.

Less Confusion Means More Action

Integrated cybersecurity systems create the ideal scenario because it allows your security operations team to focus on taking action. It will eliminate busywork and allow for more effective action to take place.

Not only is the process of checking through non-integrated systems tedious and time-consuming, but it can often be confusing. Understanding what each tool is trying to communicate is not always easy and how to work each system will vary.

The last thing you want a security operations team to focus on is struggling to remember and understand how each tool works.

Imagine spending months or even years to bring your team up to speed, only to have someone quit. The amount of time and cost associated with training a new team member on how to use cybersecurity tools is extremely expensive.

Unfortunately, it is a necessary cost because cyberattacks are an ever-present threat that must be prevented. Cutting down on time spent learning and navigating systems is essential to effectively keeping up with cybersecurity.

Less confusion means more action and this is exactly what you want a

Time is Freed Up for Preventative Measures

When your cybersecurity team is working with a unified threat management system, they will naturally have more time available to focus on preventative measures.

Imagine a large city that is constantly catching fire in various areas of the city. If the defense plan for dealing with fires is only to put them out as they appear, then the city will endlessly catch on fire.

On the other hand, if there is a plan in place to prevent fires from happening in the first place, like fire-proof infrastructure and better ventilation, then less effort will be required to keep the city safe.

Prevention is the best way to handle cyber threats because there will naturally be fewer successful network attacks. With fewer fires to put out, fewer personnel resources will be required to deal with active threats.

A focus for any business should be to make their processes more effective and this directly applies to how you approach cybersecurity.

Closing Thoughts

Cyber threats are a growing concern to company data, so complex systems are required to keep them away.

Many companies approach cybersecurity by using several tools that do not communicate and work together. This is a poor way to handle cyber threats because it creates more work for your security operations team and reduces effective response time.

Implementing an integrated system will inevitably reduce confusion and create more time for action. This will also allow for time to generate preventative measures, which will naturally keep a company safer from network security threats.

Security orchestration is not always easy to implement, but it is becoming increasingly important to manage the workload on cybersecurity teams.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


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