What Costs to Expect to Replace Broken Roof Tiles

Shingles protect the inside of your home from the elements. However, since roof tiles get exposed to the unpredictable UK weather around the clock, most homeowners have to replace them at some point. Here’s what you need to know before you restore broken roof tiles.

The roof on your home provides both aesthetics and protects. It gives your home a distinct look while keeping out all the wind, rain, and debris. Unfortunately, if you want a high-quality roof that will last through many harsh UK winters, you’ll need to spend quite a bit.

Average Costs of Replacing Roof Shingles

Since replacing a few broken roof tiles doesn’t involve tearing down the entire roof, the costs may be more affordable than you assumed. On average, homeowners should expect to pay between £75-325 to make repairs.

Costs for roof repairs will vary and you should check with friends and neighbours to get an idea on the local quality. It is recommended that you hire a roofer with reviews on a site like trustpilot or on tradesman sites.

The total costs depend on how many tiles are damaged. Less than five pipes will run about £75, while more than 15 will cost you about £125. However, if your contractor needs to erect scaffolding, your quoted price will increase by almost triple.

Only about 20 per cent of your total costs go towards materials, but this number may vary greatly depending on the colour and style of the tiles. If the tiles on your roof get nailed in place, it will take longer for your roofer to remove them, and you’ll end up paying more for labour.

DIY or Contractor?

Of course, you can save money if you choose to replace broken roof tiles on your own. If you don’t have a fear of heights and have all the needed tools, you can attempt this job on a weekend. You don’t need any planning permissions. But roofing can turn dangerous in an instant. Never get on your roof without the proper safety equipment and at least some prior experience.

Hiring a tradesperson will cost you more in the long run, but as previously stated, labour only accounts for about 20 per cent of the total. Some roofers will work with a partner, while others will work on their own. Expect the job to take about 1-3 hours from start to finish.

Speciality Tiles

Depending on the age or style of your home, you may have difficulty obtaining the right type of roofing tiles. If you have a historical or period home, for example, the shingles may no longer be in production. A roofer will need to source the right tiles from a salvage company or other antique dealers.

Expect to pay a premium if your roofer has to go out of their way to source hard-to-find tiles. In some instances, however, finding a perfect match isn’t realistic. Instead, the roofer may remove tiles from hidden areas of the roof and transplant them to replace the broken floor tiles. Of course, you can always opt to remove all your shingle and install brand new, modern tiles instead. However, if you retile your entire roof, you’ll end up paying much more in the end.

Tiled Roofs

Look around your neighbourhood, and you’ll quickly see that most of the homes have tiled roofs. Although you may think all tile roofs cost the same amount, you would be mistaken. The most inexpensive material is clay tile, but if you want something higher-end, you may want to go with slate tile. While clay will last for around 50 years, a properly installed slate tile roof can last for up to 100 years.

If you only want to replace one or two missing tiles, you’ll pay between £100 to £200. However, for a completely new roof, the costs will be much higher. A clay tile will run about £4,350 for materials and labour. If you choose slate, expect to pay around £6,800. While a clay roof takes about 5-7 days to install, plan for a 9-day project if you select slate.

Flat Roofs

You’ll commonly find flat roofs on external buildings, such as garages or extensions. These roofs are very affordable. Most are constructed out of timber and covered with a waterproof felt. Although flat roofs do not last as long as tile, they are very durable against the wind. A high-quality, felt roof can last for 20-30 years.

The total cost to reroof a flat roof depends on the size of the building. For example, if you have a single garage, it may run around £780 to £1025. A more extensive conservatory roof will cost between £805 to £1,180. The lower end of the pricing spectrum reflects a felt roof, and the higher cost is for PVC or fibreglass. It only takes 1-2 days to install a new flat roof.

Hidden Costs

The figures stated above reflect the cost of labour and materials. However, these numbers are exclusive of VAT, which you will need to figure in your total budget. If the roofers need any scaffolding, which is highly likely, you’ll pay an additional £400 to erect, depending on how much is required. Any changes to the fascia, soffits, or guttering are also not calculated into the above estimates. Most roofers recommend replacing the items at the same time.

How to Save on Costs

Not everyone can afford a new roof, but you also can’t bear to be without a functioning roof. If you have a tight budget, ask a roofer if a few repairs will hold you over for now. Repairing a roof is much cheaper than installing a new one. However, if you go this route, start saving now for a reroof in the future.

Be sure to ask around and get several quotes before you hire a tradesperson. Most experts agree that three quotes are enough. Do take note, however, that the most affordable offer is not always the best one. Make sure the person you choose has plenty of experience and stands behind their work.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


  1. Costs will vary depending on location, expect to pay more than these prices “down south”. 20% materials is quite low for tile or slate replacement, especially if there are only a couple to be fixed. Usually there is a minimum call out, as smaller jobs take up travel & inspection time. The last paragraph is the best – get a minimum of 3 quotes, but don’t compare just on price – ask questions, compare relevancy of answers & check reviews – a cheap job can cost you more in the long run!


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