bathroom heating ideas

What is the Most Difficult part of Winters? For me, It is the cold bathroom. Isn’t it?

During Winter mornings I keep on wondering How to Step into the bathroom before Stepping out of Bed. I mean, every morning I remember the last day of showering. When after a fresh, warm shower I entered a Freezing bathroom. But Guess What? I have found the most unique ways to keep my bathroom warm to beat these frosty winter months in just no time.

bathroom heating ideas

Yes, that’s the best discovery I did these winters. Try these amazing Bathroom heating ideas that make sure you won’t keep shivering while waiting for your water to warm up. Without compromising on your luxury bathroom interior and style, here’s what you can do to conserve warmth.

Electric Towel Rails

Famously known as Electric Towel Radiators are one of the perfect product that provides decorative bathroom heating and towel warming solutions for the bathroom. The Electric Towel heater is the best bathroom accessory to have as it keeps your towel warm during cold weather and also keeps it crisp during damp and humid weather.

These Rails come in a variety of stylish designs that do not decrease, In fact, it increases the beauty of your bathroom. Worried about the continuous current that flows through the rails? Don’t worry. You can control the power supply from your main electricity supply by on/off the switches. Go for this Space-saving amazing design that suits well in all sizes and designs of the bathroom.

Heat Lamps

Does stepping out of a warm shower scares you as well? Heat lamps are the saviour. Installing a Heat Lamp in your bathroom will keep your bathroom warm all around the year and Yes, Stay it a Cozy Feeling even after a Warm shower in cold.

These heat lamps consume less electricity than many other heaters and It provides fast radiant heat in your bathroom. And Guess the best part, You do not need any extra installation in your bathroom as you can replace your normal light lamps with these amazing Heat lamps. This works like a pro with its 3 in one mechanism. That is, proving, heat, light, and ventilation.

Hardwired Wall-Mount Heaters

No Plugs, No Plug-ins. Yes, Here’s another way to keep your bathroom warm with the help of these hard-wired Wall-Mounted Bathroom Heaters.

These kinds of bathroom heathers are wired directly into your walls for continuous use or could be used with a Thermostat. Not just this product is unique but also has numerous safety features that make it more reliable and safe. On top of it, you can leave wall-mounted heaters unattended safely. These heaters are highly durable and they can keep your bathroom comfortable and comfortably warm for many, many years.

Under Floor Heating in the Bathroom

We wish to keep walking bare feet toasty inside our homes but Winters Don’t allow us to do so, Right? Keep your Feet warm by walking as an Under Floor bathroom heater is the brilliant choice for heating the space.

This will also help the bathroom floor dry out quickly and you do not need to worry about finding space on the floor or the wall for a radiator. Amazed? That’s not it. Under Floor Heater comes into two categories that are Electric Under Floor Heater that runs with the help of electric wiring Under the Floor and, the Second category comes with the heating system that involves Pipes under the floor running with Hot water.

Related: It’s Time To Fix Your Water Heater: 5 Signs To Look For

Convection Heater

Energy Efficient, Cost Effective, and Long Durability. Yes, these are the characteristics of this amazing product which is a Convection Heater. It Works by pulling the cold air inside the Room and the Bathroom and Blowing it back after making it Hot.

Many of the models of Convection Heater are Portable and others are Wall-Mounted. You Can Just Imagine yourself standing close to AC and Coolers in Summer, you will feel the same satisfaction and comfort with Convection Heaters in Winter.

With any of the Products above, You do not have to compromise on maintaining your bathroom décor. Every product goes well with any shape and size of the bathroom.

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She is a content writer & editor for more than 10 years. She has a vast knowledge of all types of content. She delivers product news & lifestyle news & world news in our magazine. A mum of two teenagers and two adopted dogs, she enjoys riding on her trusty bicycle to discover new sights and sounds in Singapore.


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