Home renovations can be usually regarded as a family project or do-it-yourself (DIY) type of work. During the holidays or spare time, projects like these could bring your family together and help you bond. Besides, it saves you the hassle and expense of hiring labor.

Small projects are perfect for DIY. But, the work could get complicated sometimes. The house could need major renovations that would require professionals. Taking on such tasks on yourself could wreak havoc in the household, and could potentially put the roof over your family’s head in jeopardy.

Home Renovation: What To Tackle Yourself & What To Leave For Professionals

That is why you need to be able to distinguish between the tasks that you could do yourself and the tasks that you should leave for the professionals. This article explores the kind of work you can do yourself and what needs to be left for the professionals.

The Task of planning before you begin renovations

Before you start any renovations, you will need a solid work plan. However small the work is, it requires some level of planning. If it is a very small task like changing a lightbulb socket or electrical outlets, you can do the planning yourself, no harm in that.

When it comes to medium to large-tier renovations you will need to take the help of the professionals for the planning. You may not be familiar with the technical aspects of your renovations. Electricians and other technical professionals could help you with that planning. A home planner could help with planning where things would go in renovations.

For major works, like replacing roofs, you should bring in experts to guide you through it. You may also need to get permits from the municipality for major renovations. Check out some recommended local tradesmen if you are looking to hire for planning.

The task of purchasing for the renovations

You should definitely try to do the purchasing of materials yourself. There are some benefits to it.

The first benefit is obviously financial. There is nobody in the world who will care more about your money than you. Getting the best value for your money and choosing the best quality products are things you should handle yourself. Also using technicians to buy your materials may mean you will have to pay a mark-up for their time. That is double the loss.

The second benefit of it- you get to make the final design choice. Say you want to change the tiles, when you buy it yourself, you can choose the color that suits your taste. The same goes for other home decor products like chandeliers, mirrors, door handles, etc. It also helps you choose the best materials by yourself too.

While it’s definitely beneficial in terms of saving money and getting your way with your choice, you should definitely consult with your technicians and others involved in the process to learn about the technical sides of the materials you are going to buy, like- measurements and building materials. Take advantage of the professionals at the hardware and building material stores and seek advice when needed.

The task of structural repairs

When it comes to the structure of your house, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Major structural renovations like foundation repairs, roof renovation, staircase works, electrical, and plumbing should most definitely be left to professionals.

First of all, you lack the technical prowess needed for these types of jobs. If you damage your house foundation, you may be putting your life at risk. The same goes with roofs. People with proper measurement and technical knowledge should be the only ones doing these jobs.

Second of all, you lack the equipment and time. Major renovations require some very specialized equipment -which you may not have at your disposal. The renovations are usually lengthy and require full-time attention. A professional will invest his time and their specialized trade properly at a job like this.

Technical tasks: handling asbestos, electricity, gas, and water

Asbestos forming is one of the worst nightmares of any house owner. This problem needs to be handled by a professional. Not only is it poisonous, but handling it poorly could also hurt the structural integrity of your house. Not to mention, in most of the areas handling such poisonous items requires permits and licenses, from the proper authority – which only licensed professionals could provide.

Technical overhauling like setting up gas lines and water lines requires professional handling. Although small tasks like unclogging or fixing a leak on the faucet could be a DIY job.

If you do not possess the tools or technical knowledge, take help from professionals. Gas line repairs should always go to professionals. Also, laying pipes or new networks inside the house should be a professional job.

Electric work should mostly be done by professionals. Intricate works like setting up under wall wire network, circuit breakers, meters, etc should always be done by professionals. Some heavyweight works like installing ceiling fans or airconditioning units, and creating new power outlets should all go to professional electricians. You may handle small stuff like changing sockets or outlets on existing ports or changing a light fixture

Cosmetics and light demolition

You should always choose the design and decor elements yourself. Our tastes change over time. Some things like wall cabinets, moldings, appliances, or carpeting can get dated and require a fresh new look. These small changes can be done by you.

You can do some light demolishing within reason. We are not suggesting sledgehammer, electric saw demolition. Some small scale, taking off the parts one by one demolition. You will definitely need to call in the professionals for large-scale demolitions.

Any cosmetic changes to the decor should be a fun thing to do with the family. Although, yes, a complete renovation of the house could use some help from an interior designer – if you are prepared to pay for it.

House renovations can be fun DIY projects for you and your family. But some renovation requires hard work and technical prowess that only professionals in that field possess, which is why it should be left to them. So, consult a professional for the big jobs, and have fun doing the little jobs around the house!

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Hari, a freelance writer known for crafting exceptional guides, enjoys immersing himself in literature and music when he's not busy with his writing pursuits.


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